Give me a break, You come to this board for help and we all give it you, Then you tell us to get lost and you no longer want any thing to do with us.
You sound like a person who uses people.
some of you have been like family to me.
yet, it's time that i must say good-bye.
my husband and i have chosen to study the scriptures together on two conditions:.
Give me a break, You come to this board for help and we all give it you, Then you tell us to get lost and you no longer want any thing to do with us.
You sound like a person who uses people.
we all know that about 40% or more jw suffer from some form of depression.
we also know that a large % of jw drink alcohol which also cause depression.
therefore we now have some realy secewed up jw.
I helped a young girl leaving the truth. I helped her get set up in the own appartment etc. She called me up one day and she said she lost something and she said she could not find it. I asked her what is was and she said "Depression".
we all know that about 40% or more jw suffer from some form of depression.
we also know that a large % of jw drink alcohol which also cause depression.
therefore we now have some realy secewed up jw.
We all know that about 40% or more JW suffer from some form of depression. We also know that a large % of JW drink alcohol which also cause depression. Therefore we now have some realy secewed up JW. A JW who now suffer from depression and drinks which causes more depression. We now have some realy screwed up super depressed JW.
i was raised a witness up until i was 16, never was baptized, and now that i have my own child now i am having a really hard time with wanting her to know what religion is.
as i have gotten older, wiser i am doubting the truth even more...actually i never doubted it until just a few years ago.
being a witness is the only religion i know so i still have that sense of loyalty to it even though it's not what i choose to be.
Over a year ago I was involed with a JW who becouse of a board asked for my help leaving the truth. It is a long story and I will not get into it.
It took me over six nonths to convince her to go to a church as the WT had convinced her that saton was inside. Sitting besides me in the begining of
the service she was litterly shanking and by the end she had carmed realizing this was truly God house. On the way out the Paster said to her, Mary
God always loved you, But today he has some spical love for you. This is what she always wanted to know, that God loved her for herself, not for the
number meeting she went to or the number of service hour she put in. She broke down crying in the car.
The bottem line is Being a JW you never know if you were worthy of Gods love. So what ever path you chose to take at this point, althow it may not
ease it will all work out in the end becouse you know know that God truly loves you.
next time they knock on your door ask then this question.
you want to buy a new car and you go into a new car dealership.
as soon a you go in the salesman put a gun to your head and says it you do not buy a car i will blow your brain out and kill you.
Next time they knock on your door ask then this question. You want to buy a new car and you go into a new car dealership. As soon a you go in the salesman put a gun to your head and says it you do not buy a car I will blow your brain out and kill you. Ask then what they think of the car salesman and I do not think it will be pretty. Then say to the JW are you not just like the car salesman saying that if I do not become a JW you will kill me at the Big "A". See what they have to say.
last week a young jw girl about 17 or 18 knocked on my door with some litture and i showed her a 8-10 picture of the wt artwork portraing god`s judgment on non-jw at the big "a".
so i said is this is what you are going to do to me if i do not become a jw.
i think you folks know the picture i am talking about.
Last week a young JW girl about 17 or 18 knocked on my door with some litture and I showed her a 8-10 picture of the WT artwork portraing God`s Judgment on non-JW at the big "A". So I said is this is what you are going to do to me if I do not become a JW. I think you folks know the picture I am talking about. She had a realy shocked look on her facs. Then I showed were it said in 1977 year book where it said all Christian`s are emenies of God. Not to let up I said the WT says my heart is evel becouse I do not love Jehovah. I said that I am Luthern and if I knocked on your door with my Liture and if you did not become Luthern God would still love you, But you are telling me that if I do not become a JW God will hate me and destroy me. Then I asked her is this what God put you on the earth to tell people if you do not believe what I believe we Will destroy you. I told her I can not believe such a beatufil person like yourself is preaching such hate. At this point I could see the tears forming in her eyes and she slowly turned around and walked back to the car with the other JW. I think I gave her a lot to think about.
the other day a young jw girl about 17 or 18 knocked on my door with liture for there convention.
she was a real doll.
she was wearing sandles with painted toe nails and great looking green eyes.
Then what should I be thinking about. 14-15 year old with painted nails. How do you know how old I am.
the other day a young jw girl about 17 or 18 knocked on my door with liture for there convention.
she was a real doll.
she was wearing sandles with painted toe nails and great looking green eyes.
The other day a young JW girl about 17 or 18 knocked on my door with liture for there convention. She was a real doll. she was wearing sandles with painted toe nails and great looking green eyes. The first thing I did was put her on the defenceive by showing her a picture from WT publication of what will happen to non-JW on judgment day. Which seemed to shock her. Then I asked here is she had read the WT 1984 book Survival into the New Earth and she said she newer heard of it. So I told her to go to her KH and find a copy. So I told her it says that she will be spending 1000 cleaning up the mess from the big "A", Like bearing dead bodies etc. By this time the smile was gone from her face and turned to gloom. She looked like she could not get away fast enough. In parting I told her by the time you are 25 you will be out the door. I know I gave her a lot to think about.
THe question is of the 17-18 yr. girls what % of them are out the door by the age of 25. It is a know face that the part of the brain that controles the concences of our actions is no fully developed until we reach the age of about 24-25 yr.
i have a problem.
i knew this would come up but what has me questioning myself is where some of my resistance is coming from.. my wife and i have a baby on the way in nov. (a little girl) anyway my mom immediately started applying pressure to me to go back to meeting and of course to attend the convention.
that is not the surprise.
Tell your mother if she mentions the WT one more time, she will never see her grand doughter.